"t h e r e i s JOY g u a r a n t e e d t o t h e
f a i t h f u l ."
-Henry b. Eyring
Well the weekend finally came. KAI was Baptized!!!
It was such an amazing weekend!! I haven't felt the spirit that strong in a while! I am so thankful for that experience.
While going into the font I started to flashback to all the experiences I had with Kai. First meeting him then playing volleyball with him, and just having great talks with him. I immediately lost it. ha. It was so bright in that font and I felt so good to stand there in the water with him. I am so excited to see what continues to happen to him on the journey with Christ. Haha honestly I was ready to end my mission right then and there. I was like I can not get happier than this!!!
Kai said something really profound at his baptism. Ill do my best to quote it. "I feel as though I am driving in a car. And along our journey we can take detours or just pull to the side of the road when our window is foggy. What the gospel has done for me has whipped away that fog on the window of the car I am driving. and now I am back on the road." I loved that. The gospel is the wipers on a car that keeps the window clear.
I could not agree more. the gospel not only clears but opens the windows from heaven so that we can see our eternal destiny. The windows of Heaven are not closed, but it is our sin, and fear and doubt that keep that window continually foggy. As we use the Atonement that very window will become crystal clear. We can again return to the road. Is it bad to pull over? no! I think in those moment of taking ourselves aside we can decide who we want to become! Look at KAI! He pulled aside and waited until further light came. Which it certainly did. Now he is a member of Christs church. What a joyous miracle!!
I want you all to know that God is NOT hastening HIS work. IT IS HASTENED! IT IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW! ARE WE KEEPING UP?
Think about all the good you can do with the knowledge that you have! Have courage to share it! The JOY you will experience from seeing someone you love come to the same knowledge you have trumps any shopping trip you can have! Yes.. it even trumps shopping ;)
I love you guys!!!!
Elder Patch
oh transfers are this thursday. so hold off sending anything till next monday. or just send it to my mission office address!