This week has to be one of my favorites so far! We have the the best time here WORKING! This we really went to work and it paid off! Elder Afalava and I are having the best time and having so much FUN! If you're not having fun on your mission you are doing it wrong!!
So this week we have been gearing up for the McMahan family being baptized! I am so excited! This is something I have been looking forward to! This is the family we met at Wendy's that the husband happened to be a Mormon! Now the wife (Randi) and the boys are getting baptized. They are amazing! Randi has quite smoking and coffee. She also is super invested in church. She has become close with lots of the other women in the Branch. Jason the husband got the Priesthood and is doing awesome. The oldest son is 12 and he is getting the priesthood next week!!! Randi, his mom, told me something really cool yesterday. She said they were sitting at the computer and looking at lds.org and watching some Mormon messages and then Andrew asked his mom if he could go on a mission? She said "yes" then he was like you really would let me go?!! Then he got all excited and started saying places he wanted to go on his mission! I am so excited! That just made my whole mission! I also cooked for the McMahan family this week! I made Navajo Tacos!!! Thanks to my Indian Family (Benally's) for sending me the recipe! I brought a little West coast to the East! It turned out really good!
So as District Leader we went to a training meeting this week at our Mission Presidents home. It was amazing! I learned a lot! What I took from it was "I" can be myself as a leader, and use creativity to inspire others! We talked a lot about "optimism". I want to focus on that. President Nilsen said, "You can either look at the good, or the bad." That really struck me. There is negative in every situation, but if we look for only the good then the outcome will be greater! So I put this to the test! The minute I got back from the training to we went out to find people! It was -18 outside and It was freeeeezing. BUT! This was a perfect opportunity to look for the good! So we danced up and down the street and waved at everyone! We laughed and danced for cars sitting at stop signs to make them laugh! I think they were mostly laughing at my long legs trying to do dance moves. oh well... but we found two amazing families! The first was the Coleman family! This awesome black family with the cutest kids. They have become my brothas! I love that family! We are super close with them, and they are stoked for church! I know if we had not gone out with OPTIMISM and love, we would not have found this family! Honestly if we just look for the good in the bad then nothing can go wrong! So optimism is key!
I am loving every minute here on a mission! There are plenty of BAD moments but there is much more GOOD. I love all of you and thank you for the letters! I love hearing all thats happening and hearing your testimonies! You guys are awesome!!
The church IS true!
Elder Spatch
Zone Fun day
I made Navajo Tacos!!
Coleman Family