Monday, February 24, 2014

School Is In Session


First I just want to say thank you to everyone that sent me something last week!!! I havent written back anyone cause I am waiting RIGHT NOW to see where or if I will be transferred! Kinda a lot freaking out!!! I CANT LEAVE MARION!

This week has been really great!  It has been once again awesome to meet all new people and families and start teaching them!  I Always think that we will never meet anymore cool people... then I am TOTALLY proven wrong!  We have met the most amazing people these last couple weeks! 

I say, "School is in Session" because I literally feel like im in school.  THE LORDS SCHOOL!  Everyday I learn something new or my perception of something is enhanced!  I love it!  But it is also intimidating to think that I really do not have that I have so much to learn!  My world is flipped everyday!  I am so thankful for new days!  I love being able to "start over" everyday.  To improve just a little everyday!  I can't wait to get back and use all this new knowledge!!!

This week we had exchanges with our zone Leaders!  So fun!  We got a ton done too!  Its always great to learn from others to add to you knowledge!  So we had a sweet miracle this week!  We went shopping in this vintage store and as we were leaving a woman pulled up next to us and invited us to follow her to this other store!  Elder Afalava and I looked at each other and were like, oh we are totally supposed to talk to her about the gospel!  She pretty much just asked us to!!  So we followed her.  When we got to this store she began to show us around, and tell us stories about all these old vintage pieces!  Well I started talking to her about the gospel!  ... not interested.  WHAT THE HECK?!!

 So i was really confused!  But then we soon figured out why we were supposed to be there.  When we went to the check-out we started talking to the owners.  This couple from LA who just moved to Marion (no idea why) and they were so cool!!!! Their names are Jay and Cari! We hit it off with them instantly!  Turns out the husband(Jay) has a mom who was Mormon!  So he knew a lot!! So we asked if we could get together!  Then somehow we planned a dinner out of it!  AND they are Vegan!!  So last night we had the most amazing VEGAN dinner ever.  Fresh tortillas veggie fajitas! So good.  I made a fruit salad. ... It was lame, but at least I tried.  It felt so clean not to eat any meat or dairy product! We have become way close with them, and its just been awesome.

Well that's about it!  I love all you guys!  Thanks for all your prayers!  Its weird when you're on a mission you can actually feel when someone is praying for you. ;) 

Love ya,

Stay classy

Elder Spatch

 Elder Afalava and I. (Amish hat)
Us in Lavalava's (aka skirts) -Come at me

Jay and Cari- Owners of Tags thrift shop

Oh And I also got corn rows.


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