Monday, August 11, 2014

All for All

Well Another transfer has gone by!  We find out later today what is happening to us!! So Don't send any letters to my Apartment address until after Monday! or just send them to the Mission Office!
Anyway! This week has been great!  I have been thinking about what inspires me as a missionary and disciple of Christ!  Sometimes we get complacent of our spiritual growth!  Personally I hate the state of no progression!  Especially in things that I love!! As I learn more and talk more about Christ I find that the Fullness of the doctrines come out of obscurity and subsequently I feel a greater urge to share them!  So 'Treasure up the words of life!'  I feel like if I am having doubts or struggles with increasing amount of faith, it is due to the lack of understanding of the doctrines I am teaching!  But in order to be fully converted or consecrated we must give ALL of ourselves to God.  Sure we can get through this life without doing so, but we then forgo the growth and understanding of half of us!  Our divine IMMORTAL heritage! We are spirit Daughters and Sons of a GOD.  But just like any relationship we must build trust or connect through constant dialogue and interaction. 

A lot of times I meet people that say 'there cannot be a God, because if there was a good then why would all these bad things be happening?'  If you are having problems or seeing problems in your life, don't assume there is something wrong with you or with God.  Struggling with those problems is at the very core of this life's purpose and plan (which we all signed up for on the dotted line I might add). As we all draw closer to God, He will show us our weakness and as well as our strengthens, through them He will make us stronger or enhance the already existing gifts.  If you personally are seeing more and more of your weaknesses, that just may mean you are drawing nearer to God, not farther away.  So don't give up.  Be willing to struggle a little.  But use the Atonement to strengthen you every SINGLE MOMENT OF YOUR LIFE.  Christ is NOT the light at the end of the tunnel, rather HE IS the LIGHT through the tunnel!  If we chose to open our eyes we can and WILL always see the light.

I am so thankful for the 2 years I have to serve a mission.  This means more to me than anything I have ever done.  I have been able to see my weaknesses become strengths, but find new weaknesses as well.  This last week we have met with so many different people!  We met this man and he and His partner have never felt the need for God but never denied His existence.  We had such an amazing lesson with them.  I know the Gospel is for them too.  We challenged them to pray. Following our visit, one of them decided he would pray.  He texted us immediately following and said, "I felt something..."  I know that God answers prayers.  HE IS NOT A SECRET.  I know that it takes humility on our part to find out for ourselves what He wants for our life.  He trusts us with our progression and growth, but when we need Him and even when we don't He will be there.  This last week I had so many prayers answered.  I love being able to not only testify to people I meet and love of what I believe and what I know.  I know God answers prayers, I know He loves us.  I believe with my whole heart the Book of Mormon and the Bible are true.  I know we have a savior who would do ANYTHING for us.  I love all of you!  I am so grateful for every single one of you in my life!!! 
Keep going.  Be strong.  :)
Love you!!!

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